You are currently viewing 5. First fields of the herb farm

5. First fields of the herb farm

This week we took it a little easier. We both got a small virus, but luckily we recovered quickly. The rest of the week our days were quite filled with the various activities on the land. As a result, a somewhat delayed update this week, but here it is!

Filtering our drinking water

We filter our water so that it is completely safe to drink. When our filter broke last week, we decided to switch to a filter that is directly connected to the tap.

Jesse has recently gained quite a bit of experience with installing water pipes and installed the filter + new tap flawlessly!


To irrigate our farm fields there were a number of options. After researching a few, sprinklers appealed to us the most. To try it out, we installed a pipe of 40 meters long, with 4 sprinkler points, in our vegetable garden.

The idea is to make the installation mobile so that we can place it in the fields where irrigation is needed. This way we can be much more flexible and we also save a lot of costs.

Early rising

It’s summer and you can feel it. We already had temperatures around 30 degrees this week, next week this will even shift to 40 degrees!

To escape the heat a little bit and still remain productive, we get up early (4:30am) so that we can do a lot of work until we have to find shelter in the shade.

1500 m2 of picking stones

As we shared last week, we are in full action clearing the fields. This week we cleared our first block of the farm from the stones on the surface level. These first fields are a good start and we are very proud of our progress.

Picking up stones will remain a part of our routine in the near future, as we still have at least 7000 m2 to go. We are working towards no less than 8500 m2 of cultivatable land. We may not have all the fields free for our first season, but this is the ultimate goal we’ve got for the herb farm.